Edon-R224-MAC Test Examples Key: 00010203 04050607 08090A0B 0C0D0E0F 10111213 14151617 18191A1B 1C1D1E1F 20212223 24252627 28292A2B 2C2D2E2F 30313233 34353637 38393A3B 3C3D3E3F Key_length: 64 Data: 'Sample #1' Data_length: 9 HMAC: 46D2411D 0DF5A7CC 1CD58EB0 F3C3CB6B 69D8D277 1D132DD3 4F643247 Key: 30313233 34353637 38393A3B 3C3D3E3F 40414243 Key_length: 20 Data: 'Sample #2' Data_length: 9 HMAC: EDBBC8FF 12E0D84F ED8A2548 291B295D 544536CE 7411414E A416F32F Key: 50515253 54555657 58595A5B 5C5D5E5F 60616263 64656667 68696A6B 6C6D6E6F 70717273 74757677 78797A7B 7C7D7E7F 80818283 84858687 88898A8B 8C8D8E8F 90919293 94959697 98999A9B 9C9D9E9F A0A1A2A3 A4A5A6A7 A8A9AAAB ACADAEAF B0B1B2B3 Key_length: 100 Data: 'The successful verification of a MAC does not completely guarantee that the accompanying message is authentic.' Data_length: 110 HMAC: ABC0A413 8714ED36 80225AB9 DB782007 47D805DC 420DCFC8 2B62FF38 Key: 50515253 54555657 58595A5B 5C5D5E5F 60616263 64656667 68696A6B 6C6D6E6F 70717273 74757677 78797A7B 7C7D7E7F 80818283 84858687 88898A8B 8C8D8E8F 90919293 94959697 98999A9B 9C9D9E9F A0A1A2A3 A4A5A6A7 A8A9AAAB ACADAEAF B0B1B2B3 Key_length: 100 Data: 'The successful verification of a MAC does not completely guarantee that the accompanying message is authentic: there is a chance that a source with no knowledge of the key can present a purported MAC.' Data_length: 200 HMAC: 762474F6 F7168C95 89504929 CD8E7972 89C5A4FD 3A8B5C03 4B5B5702